Week 01 (Aug 19): Introduction to HIS 5450 / Zotero / Digital Profile/ What is the Social Studies?
- Andrea Davis, “From Learning to Cite to Learning to Write,” Perspectives on History, October 2018. https://www.historians.org/publications-and-directories/perspectives-on-history/october-2018/from-learning-to-cite-to-learning-to-write-using-zotero-in-the-classroom
- Read the description of Zotero, explore this comprehensive tutorial, and watch the 3 min. video: http://guides.library.oregonstate.edu/c.php?g=359201&p=2426080
- Jacob Long, “Zotero, the Free Citation Manager for Students, Teachers, and More” in Getting Things Tech, March 3, 2014. http://www.gettingthingstech.com/zotero-free-citation-manager-students-teachers/
- Rachel Sayers, “Twitter and Instagram: Historians in the Digital Age,” Rachel with an E (blog), August 6, 2019, https://rachelwithane.com/advice/twitter-and-instagram-historians-in-the-digital-age/.
- Vanessa Varin, “Managing Your Digital Self,” Perspectives on History, January 1, 2014, https://www.historians.org/publications-and-directories/perspectives-on-history/january-2014/managing-your-digital-self.
- “The Importance of a Digital Profile For Public Historians,” Jason M. Kelly, accessed August 8, 2021, https://jasonmkelly.com/jason-m-kelly/2020/11/27/a-digital-profile-for-public-historians.
Week 02 (Aug 26)
Historical Debates Over History Teaching / Current Issues in History & Social Studies
- Course Textbook (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 8 (“Current Event Case Study”)
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 10 (“Concept Attainment”)
- Book Club: Latino Americans, Introduction and Chapter 6 (“Where Are We Going?”)
- (CT): Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone), Introduction and Chapter 3 (“Committing Zinns”)
Week 03 (Sep 2): Understanding By Design Pt. 1 / In Focus: NC Standards for Social Studies
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 11 (“Questions for Learning”)
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 4 (“Thematic Data Sets”)
- (CT): Reading Like a Historian, Introduction
- Book Club: Latino Americans, Chapter 5 (“Who’s In?” “Who’s Out” “Whose America?”)
Week 04 (Sep 9): Understanding By Design Pt. 2
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 12 (“Image Analysis”)
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 13 (“Analysis of Primary Sources”)
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 14 (“Synthesis Charts”)
- [Optional] Ideas for Instruction: The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 6 (“Mnemonics”) and Chp 7 (“Timelines Revisited”)
- (CT): Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone), Chapter 1 (“Crazy for History”)
Week 05 (Sep 16): Assessment FOR Learning
- Center for Teaching and Learning, “Commenting on Student Writing,” Washington State University CTL, accessed August 9, 2021, http://ctl.wustl.edu/resources/commenting-on-student-writing/.
- Harvard College Writing Program, “Responding to Student Writing,” Harvard Writing Project, 2007, https://writingproject.fas.harvard.edu/pages/responding-student-writing.
- Rick Stiggins and Jan Chappuis, “What a Difference a Word Makes: Assessment FOR Learning Rather Than Assessment OF Learning Helps Students Succeed,” Journal of Staff Development 27, no. 1 (2006): 10–14. https://www.jaymctighe.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Assessment-for-Learning.pdf
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 20 (“Assessment”)
- Part 1: Jesse Stommel, “Why I Don’t Grade,” Jesse Stommel, October 26, 2017, https://www.jessestommel.com/why-i-dont-grade/.
- Part 2: Jesse Stommel, “How to Ungrade,” Jesse Stommel, March 11, 2018, https://www.jessestommel.com/how-to-ungrade/.
- Starr Sackstein, “(Un)Grading: It Can Be Done in College (Opinion),” Education Week, March 31, 2016, https://www.edweek.org/education/opinion-ungrading-it-can-be-done-in-college/2016/03.
- David Gooblar, “I’m Not Ready to Quit Grading,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 21, 2018, Online edition, sec. Advice, https://www.chronicle.com/article/im-not-ready-to-quit-grading/.
For a comprehensive collection of assessment resources, suggestions, and tools, visit the Georgia Tech Center for Teaching and Learning at: https://ctl.gatech.edu/grading-and-assessment-resources
Week 06 (Sep 23): Digital (History) Pedagogy
- Robert B. Townsend, “How Is New Media Reshaping the Work of Historians?,” Perspectives on History, November 1, 2010, https://www.historians.org/publications-and-directories/perspectives-on-history/november-2010/how-is-new-media-reshaping-the-work-of-historians.
- (CT): Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone), Chapter 7 (“Why Google Can’t Save Us”) and Afterword
- Book Club: Latino Americans, Chapter 2 (“Shared Destinies … Made Manifest”)
Week 07 (Sep 30): Globalizing the Curriculum
- (CT): Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone), Chapter 8 (“‘Famous Americans’: The Changing Pantheon of American Heroes”)
- Analysis of Community College Globalized Courses [teaching lessons, activities, materials, and online resources] at: https://worldview.unc.edu/resources/courses
- Choose one:
- American History II Module (Choose two activities for critique): https://worldview.unc.edu/resources/courses
- American History I Module (Choose two activities from the five options) https://worldview.unc.edu/resources/courses
- Choose one:
- Book Club:Latino Americans, Chapters 1 (“The Convergence Begins”) and 3 (“At War: Abroad … and At Home”)
- PD Opportunity: Thursday Oct 21, from 4-5pm >> UNC World View’s “Global Education in a New World” (Global Ed Responses to the Pandemic). Web only via Zoom, $25 registration, 0.5 CEUs. Info and Registration at: https://worldview.unc.edu/programs/global-education-in-a-new-world
Week 08 (Oct 7): Culturally Responsive Teaching, Social & Emotional Learning / Discussion of Ray Suarez’s Latino Americans
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 18 (“Culturally Responsive Teaching”)
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 19 (“Social & Emotional Learning”)
- Book Club: Latino Americans, Chapter 4 in Focus (“I Like to Be in America”); Entire Book Recap
Week 09 (Oct 14): Reading and Literacy Strategies Through History Instruction
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 2 (“Reading Strategies”)
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 1 (“A Fresh Look at Vocabulary”)
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 5 (“Writing in Social Studies”)
- (CT): Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone), Chapters 4 (Turning Bloom’s Taxonomy On Its Head”) and 5 (“What did George Think?”)
- (CT): Reading Like a Historian, Choose your Chapter!
- Read, analyze, and prepare to lead discussion on the context-teaching strategies-resources for either Chapter 2, 3, or 4
Week 10 (Oct 21): Active Learning in the History Classroom
- David Gooblar, “Do Students Really Learn Nothing From a Lecture?,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 3, 2019, Online edition, sec. Advice, https://www.chronicle.com/article/do-students-really-learn-nothing-from-a-lecture/.
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 15 (“Listening & Speaking Activities”)
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 16 (“Discussions”)
- (CT): The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox, Chp 17 (“Project-Based Learning”)
- (CT): Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone), Chapter 6 (“Changing History … One Classroom at a Time”)
- (CT): Reading Like a Historian, Choose your Chapter!
- Read, analyze, and prepare to lead discussion on the context-teaching strategies-resources for either Chapter 5, 6, 7 or 8
Week 11 (Oct 28): Individual Conferences
- No Readings
Week 12 (Nov 4): Lab Week
- No Readings
Week 13 (Nov 11): Presentation Week
- No Readings
Week 14 (Nov 18): Course Wrap-Up & Exit (Contract Grading) Meeting
- No Readings